Support Coordination
What is
Support Coordination?
Support coordination guides you to make informed choices to best utilise your supports in plan.
Support Coordination is a capacity building support which helps you to:
- Understand and use you NDIS plan to pursue your goals.
- Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.
AbilityLiving-MyWay Level 2 Support Coordinators will work creatively and resourcesfully with Participants to best utlise their NDIS funds to guide and strengthen and strengthen them through the everyday and critical moments in life.
- Understand your NDIS plan and funded budgets.
- Understand how funding can be used flexibly to achieve goals.
- Discuss the best and most appropriate way to spend your funds.
- Find and connect with local NDIS support providers.
- Breaking down your goals to achievable tasks.
- Combine a mix of supports to increase your capacity.
- Maintain and build relationships.
- Manage service delivery tasks.
- Live more independently.

They can also help you:
- Be a part of your community.
- Use the MyGov website and NDIS Participant Portal.
- Prepare for your NDIS plan review.
- Support your right to choice and control
- Sourcing the right supports and services for you based on the goals outlined in your NDIS plan
- Support you in deciding how you want your services delivered.
- Ensure you get value for money from your plan.
Our Core Values
We will always put you first, encouraging you to reach your potential
We are a small and understanding organisation keen to listen and communicate to build positive and respectful relationships
Our team is knowledgeable whilst resourceful, remaining imaginative and focused on individuals
We will be honest and forthcoming with our approach whilst remaining ethical and accountable
We will acknowledge and applaud your achievements. We will respect and recognise your feedback